12111 3rd Avenue, Steveston, BC

Thank you from Lytton

Service Above Self

For all the people who have donated to this work, and for all who have given their time and care, the best way to remind ourselves of why we do what we do is found in the words of our Siska friends.  We are, indeed, humbled by this work.

“June 30th Lytton Fire has changed us and encouraged us to create the Siska Hall Relief Centre. Donations were becoming scarce, and we started becoming worried for our community. Meeting Linda, Bob, Bill, and Shirley-Pat gave us faith again. They have helped us tremendously not only with support for essentials but helped us believe we are not forgotten. We matter. We will always have support. Almost 7 months after the fire and losing our town and resources. The Rotary Steveston Team always makes sure we are stocked, and that we look after ourselves. It’s not just support for the hall but moral support.  This team has gone over and above anything we could have imagined. A lot of families are able to cook meals, wear warm jackets throughout the cold winter, have cold weather apparel, and have household items a person wouldn’t think they’d miss until it’s gone. They are true saviors with a heart of gold for us. There are reasons our paths have crossed. I’m truly grateful to be a part of their extended family. It is our Nlaka’pamux teachings to look after one another. We have extended our family with this team. I know for a fact my family will always be here for each of them.”

~ Regina Pierre